The Role of An Oral Surgeon in Overall Health and Wellness

Your body, especially your mouth, has germs that are harmless like other parts of the body. However, some of these bacteria can spread disease as your mouth enters your respiratory and digestive systems.

The body’s natural defense system keeps in check the bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria may build up with bad hygiene habits and can cause oral infections, including gum disease and tooth decay.

What is the Role of an Oral Surgeon in Your Overall Health and Wellness

Oral surgeons are the medical professionals in charge of preserving the health of the orofacial region and the anatomy and function of the mouth.

In addition to providing dental care, dentists are expected to emphasize and integrate the link between oral and systemic disease as a factor in their patient’s overall health and quality of life. They must acknowledge and emphasize their contributions to mental health as oral surgeons.

Specialized Treatment

Oral surgeons perform various procedures than only extracting your tooth. Oral surgeons are dental specialists who have undergone further training to provide specialty treatments, including dental implant surgery, corrective jaw surgery, and manage anesthesia. Their training mainly includes the body’s face, mouth, and jaw areas.

Provide Guidance

Oral surgeons are dental health practitioners. Their duties include instructing and counseling patients on oral health issues, they provide restorative and preventative care, and managing several oral disorders affecting the teeth, gums, and mouth as a whole.

Detailed Examinations

The general responsibilities of an oral surgeon also include performing examinations. They conduct an in-depth analysis of the head, neck, and soft and hard tissues of the mouth, taking radiographs, diagnosing dental disease, developing treatment plans, coordinating with specialists, maintaining clinical records, and often participating in the operation procedure.

Oral Pathology

Oral pathology is a specialty of oral surgeons that is useful in diagnosing various oral disorders. They help with the diagnosis and choose the best course of action. They might perform a biopsy on affected tissues or review x-rays and other imaging for a detailed analysis.

How Can You Protect Your Oral Health?

You can protect your health by practicing good oral hygiene. The following are the best oral health practices:

  • Spend two minutes brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush at least twice daily.
  • Always floss and after brushing and flossing, use mouthwash to remove food particles in your mouth.
  • Eat healthy food and avoid sugary food and beverages.
  • Replace your toothbrush after every three to four months and visit your oral surgeon for cleanings and checkups.
  • Avoid using tobacco.

Importance of Oral Health for Maintaining a Positive Lifestyle

You should maintain proper dental hygiene to live a healthy, happy life. You’ll feel confident and empowered when you take control of your health. Preventative care can help you save time, money, and stress, just like it does with any medical procedure.

Restore your beautiful smile and discuss your concerns with our experts at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute.

The Benefits of Oral Surgery for Improving Oral Health

Smiling is an essential part of our expression. We express joy and happiness through a smile, which is vital in communication. Smiling is considered an icebreaker to connect and start a conversation. A bright smile can make you more confident and enhance your personality. 

If you feel underconfident about your smile, oral surgery can help you out. Continue reading to learn the miraculous benefits of oral surgery. 

What is Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is a broad term used to describe procedures performed on your jaw, teeth, gum grafts, or any facial or oral structures by a maxillofacial, oral surgeon, or periodontist. Oral surgeries include procedures such as 

  • Jaw surgery
  • Dental bone grafting
  • Tooth extraction
  • Gum bone grafting
  • Obstructive sleep apnea treatment
  • Cleft palate and lip repair

Oral surgery has many benefits if done right by an experienced oral surgeon. Here’s how it can help you achieve a perfect smile.

Benefits of Oral Surgery

Permanent Solution To Your Oral Problems

When you miss one of your teeth and want to replace it with another one, you have 2 choices one is in which you go for temporary solutions such as a bridge or permanent solutions like dental implants.

When you go for a bridge, you ignore the gum, which can further lead to gum infections or need proper maintenance. In dental implants, your gums are involved too. It is a surgical procedure in which an artificial tooth is implanted which is more solid and long-lasting and can easily last long.

Restore Smile and Minimize Permanent Damage

Mandibular bone and maxillary jaw issues are the most common dental issues that worsen over time. It can further contribute to tooth loss if not addressed promptly. It can be treated using various procedures, but bone grafting techniques like L-PRF allow professionals to successfully address the bone issue before it worsens and impairs your smile. Surgical procedures like bone grafting or tissue grafts can help restore the missing tissue and repair the damaged bones. 

Address the Underlying Problems

Oral surgeries effectively treat the underlying cause of the problem to help you get rid of the problem. They help timely detect and prevent any dental problems from worsening. For example, suppose a person has problems chewing, speaking, and breathing problems because of a misaligned jaw. In that case, jaw surgery, also known as jaw alignment orthognathic surgery, can help eliminate the issue. 

Helps Restore Positive Self-Esteem

A bright smile and oral hygiene will help you be confident and enhance your self-esteem. When talking with someone, you no longer have to worry about your uneven, crooked teeth. 

Saves From Tooth Loss

Timely checkups and guidance from a dentist will help your smile last long as you can easily avoid any problem which can result in losing your tooth. When done on time and correctly, oral surgeries like dental implants can help prevent infections and further problems. 

Brings Back Your Smile

Smiling is one of the first things a person notices in your appearance. Conditions like missing teeth, cleft palate, jaw misalignment, or even a tumor on gums or lips can hugely impact your happiness and self-esteem. We don’t want to see you having your smile dimmed. 

Want to restore your bright smile? Don’t think twice and express your concerns to experts at OFSI (Oral & Facial Surgery Institute). 

How to Enjoy Holiday Food after Wisdom Teeth Surgery

When someone gets wisdom teeth removal surgery during the holidays, they are usually upset since they think they will miss out on all the delicious feasts and dishes. However, luckily for you, you can still enjoy holiday cuisines!

Many options are delicious while also remaining post-removal friendly. This article will discuss some of the most delectable dishes perfect for post-wisdom teeth removal. Don’t worry; you can enjoy this holiday season just as well as any.


If you like fish and seafood, salmon is likely the best dish you could eat in the holiday season after your surgery. It is incredibly soft, making it easy to chew; plus, the texture makes it easier to swallow.

Additionally, it is an excellent main dish because of how rich protein salmon is. Also, did you know that it is also an incredibly great source of omega fatty acids? Well, it is; this means it speeds up the recovery by reducing inflammation.

Blended soups

During the chilly weather (or if you live further away, then you may even experience snow), hearty and warm soups sound like a blessing from above. Contrary to popular belief, they are not a “sick” dish; they don’t have to just be to quell your hunger. You can blend various recipes, vegetables, and fruits to fit your taste. You can add tomatoes, greens, pumpkin, potatoes, etc. 

It will give you that holiday feeling that you are looking for while also giving you the nutrition and vitamins that your body needs. Blended soups have vitamins like A, E, and C, which makes them just as healthy as any solid food.  

However, be sure that there aren’t any chunks in the soup. If there are bits and pieces of solid in your soup, it could infect or just irritate the sensitive area.

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are the staple of holiday dinners- widely popular comfort food! But they are also extremely rich in calories. They will provide you with a sufficient amount of energy, perfect for your weakened body.

Additionally, it is common and a public favorite because you can prepare them in various ways. And whichever way you make them, they will remain post-surgery friendly and yummy.

Soft Desserts 

There is no right way to celebrate holidays. While this is true to some degree, there is no holiday feast without many desserts. There is an array of desserts that will be perfect for your post-surgery body. And you still get to experience that warm and fuzzy holiday feeling.

Puddings are an excellent treat; they can also come in different flavors. Other options are types of pies, soft cakes, and creams. However, when eating pies and cakes, you should be careful to avoid the hard crusts.

A wisdom teeth-removal surgery shouldn’t get in the way of your holiday fests and celebrations. You can still enjoy them while taking care of your surgery area. While there are practices that you have to stick to post-surgery, avoiding tasty food isn’t one of them. 

Even if you plan wisdom teeth removal surgery, you shouldn’t worry about missing out on all the holiday delicacies. To have a safe and efficient procedure, you should consult the experts and specialists at OFSI (Oral & Facial Surgery Institute).

Why You Should Remove Wisdom Teeth Early

90% of people lack enough space in their mouths to accommodate wisdom teeth. Despite this, wisdom teeth develop around 10 and usually erupt between 17 and 25. People who accommodate wisdom teeth frequently encounter impactions, which can cause dental infections, harm neighboring teeth, and adjust the patient’s bite alignment. 

Therefore, the following are some of the primary advantages of removing wisdom teeth early: 

Lowers the Risk of Cavities

Because they are located at the far back of the mouth, wisdom teeth are more likely to develop cavities. As a result of swelling gum tissues and the formation of soft-tissue inflammation in which bacteria can grow and cause cavities, adjacent teeth that have wisdom teeth in the mouth for an excessive amount of time may develop cavities. Early extraction of these teeth reduces the risk of cavities developing in neighboring teeth, which is a strong argument in favor of doing so.

It Helps Avoid Impactions

Bacterial growth can lead to the onset of an infection, gum ulcerations, and the deterioration of neighboring teeth when wisdom teeth break through the gum line. It is always a good idea to get wisdom teeth extracted early to prevent the development of these issues since impacts can cause discomfort and irritation. 

It Prevents Overcrowding

When the wisdom teeth erupt, the remaining teeth crowd because most patients’ arches are too small to support more molars. Although crowding is a common negative consequence of wisdom teeth eruption, many patients are unaware that wisdom teeth might alter the mechanics of their bite, which can cause discomfort and even migraines. Patients don’t have to stress about these concerns if the wisdom teeth are removed at the first indication of emergence.

It helps Prevent Sinus Issues

Patients frequently experience sinus problems directly related to the eruption of wisdom teeth. The sinus cavities may be pushed against and rubbed by the bases of the wisdom teeth, and as time goes on, this issue may worsen. Chronic congestion and sinus pain are typical complaints. Early adult tooth extractions can stop the emergence of sinus problems, which can occasionally last a lifetime.

Protects the Gums

When extractions are done too late, the gums frequently suffer, and the wisdom teeth tend to produce bacteria in the mouth. Patients can shield their gums and the other of their teeth from the devastation of periodontal disease by having their wisdom teeth removed early before they can spread infection widely. Cysts, or fluid sacs, frequently form around newly-emerging wisdom teeth. Even though these cysts are frequently benign, they can become serious problems that injure deeper tissues like the jaw’s nerves. 

Makes Extraction Easier

While some people choose to wait until later in their lives to have their wisdom teeth out, this is typically a terrible choice as the root system gets more complicated and denser with each year that occurs after these molars develop, making extractions more challenging, painful, and complex. Young adult patients who have their wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible benefit from considerably simpler extractions and avoid the discomfort, swelling, jaw rigidity, and general feeling of ill health that frequently accompany the problematic emergence of wisdom teeth.

Makes Recovery Quicker

Wisdom teeth grow firm, deep root systems that become more solidly connected with the jaw bone over time, making extractions in later adulthood considerably more challenging. Most patients choose to have their wisdom teeth extracted as early as possible since the longer the healing process will be as they age, the more time they will need. 


Removing wisdom teeth early can save you from many medical issues like pain, gum diseases, infections, and overcrowding. Removing wisdom teeth early on can be one of the biggest favors you can do to your oral health. Contact our experts at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute for the best treatment for your wisdom teeth and the most reliable medical care. 

Is Flossing Everyday Necessary?

Teeth are a crucial aspect of one’s smile and appearance, and it greatly affects one’s self-esteem if not in the correct shape. If you experience yellowish or dirty teeth, perhaps your dentist has advised you to brush them more frequently, but that is not just about it.  In such cases, regular flossing should be a key component of your oral hygiene regimen. It is a requirement for everybody and is very beneficial to have clean white teeth and maintain your dental health. So, is flossing everyday necessary? We have the answers!

How Plaque Forms?

Food crumbs enter your teeth as you chew and get stuck between them. When this occurs, plaque begins to form. Plaque is a material that gets stuck in the teeth and can cause gum disease and tooth decay. In addition to being painful, gum disease and dental decay can both result in tooth loss. 

Plaque is created if the combination of acids, bacteria, and carbohydrates is not brushed often. Without flossing, plaque can accumulate at the gum line and between teeth, which can cause cavities and tooth rot. Plaque that has accumulated at the gum line has the opportunity to harden and turn into tartar; this creates a larger chance of you developing gum disease if you already have tartar.

Consistent flossing can remove food stuck in your teeth, preventing plaque from forming on the teeth. The plaque that is already present can also be removed by regular flossing. Thus, dental decay and the cavities that result from it can be avoided. 

Can Gum Diseases Occur Due to Plaque?

Gingivitis can develop when plaque and tartar begin to build up on the teeth near the gumline. This is an initial stage of gum disease as it causes inflammation in your gums. Another indication that you suffer from gingivitis is bleeding when you clean or floss your teeth. Without medical intervention, this condition can eventually develop into periodontitis.

Periodontitis is a disease that can become very severe and dangerous. Due to this disorder, your gums may back away from or recede from the teeth. This could result in the joints losing some support, causing teeth to lose. Periodontitis might have even more detrimental implications if it persists. Your entire body may respond to it by becoming inflamed as time passes.

Why Is It Necessary to Floss every day?

Is it acceptable to floss occasionally? As a simple answer, no. Flossing ought to be done frequently rather than every day. Good flossing is easy to learn, and it doesn’t take much. It’s a fantastic approach to improving your general health and dental care. Everybody should wash their teeth twice a day for two minutes and floss at least once daily, according to the American Dental Association. You can incorporate flossing into either your nightly or morning dental hygiene routine.

It is advised that you floss before brushing. If you don’t clean your teeth after flossing, food particles previously stuck to your teeth and in your mouth will remain there. Although two or three times a day can be even more beneficial, flossing at least once a day should be mandatory. The optimal time to floss is just after each meal, but as long as you do it daily, you may maintain a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums.


Regular flossing is essential to maintain oral health, as plaque and tartar can even lead to many health issues and can greatly affect overall health. If you need or are looking for the best dental intervention to enhance your oral health, contact our experts at the Shawn B. Davis, DMD Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, for the best services around you. 

How to Prevent Jaw Injuries

Several things can harm the jaw, including falls, car accidents, physical injury, and fights. Surgery to realign the jaws may be required if either the upper or lower jaw is significantly injured. After the occurrence of an injury, jaw surgery can also assist in restoring the functionality of several jaw components. Here we talk about how to prevent jaw injuries, and what they may look like. 

Additionally, trauma can’t always manifest in a jaw injury or damage. If you unintentionally grip or grind your teeth (bruxism), have some other para-functional behaviors, or even have hereditary jaw problems, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) may suffer, which can be very painful at the same time. In certain situations, jaw surgery could also be advised as a course of treatment if the injury is serious enough. However, most individuals with bruxism or a TMJ issue will follow a much more conservative treatment plan and only resort to surgical treatments if other measures are ineffective. Any aspect of the treatment involving non-surgical, as well as surgical procedures must be planned in consultation with an oral surgeon. Several common sense precautions can assist you in avoiding surgery and preventing jaw injuries. You can effectively reduce your risk of having a jaw injury by simply doing the following things:

Using the Jaw for the Right Reasons

Try using the jaw only for the purpose it was made for in the first place, which was to eat and chew food. Avoid opening hard items like cans, bottles, and non-food items from your mouth, as it can weaken your teeth and greatly harm your jaw. Our jaws are made for only one specific task, and using them for extensively difficult tasks can greatly deteriorate our health.

Keep Your Living Space Free

Make sure your living space is free of all kinds of tripping and slipping hazards as they play a major role in injuries, especially pertaining to jaw and teeth. If you have cleaned your living space from all kinds of tripping hazards, you have avoided a lot of jaw injuries. Slipping and tripping are major causes and reasons for a person having a jaw injury.

Wear a Mouth Guard for Sports Activities

Wearing a mouthguard in all of your sports activities if you are a sports person also helps mitigate a lot of jaw injuries. Not only do mouthguards protect your jaws, but they also help mediate the effects of concussions. It becomes crucial for individuals who regularly participate in such activities to take care of their teeth and jaws.

Treat Other Oral Issues Immediately

If you have any signs and symptoms of medical illnesses like hypoglycemia, hypotension, neurogenic causes of syncope, or inner ear vestibular problems, get them diagnosed, treated, and avoided to prevent jaw injuries or problems further. 

Manage Your Stress and Anxiety

Try to manage and alleviate your mood through a healthy lifestyle, hobbies, and meditation, as stress also greatly contributes to issues like bruxism, which can further lead to jaw injuries and issues. Continuous stress and anxiety can also lead to several medical issues and even contribute to the chances of slipping and tripping into a cloudy and overcrowded mind. 


Jaw injuries can be caused for several reasons and can also be severe in many cases. Therefore, it is essential to avoid and prevent jaw injuries through necessary actions to avoid pain and discomfort.

However, if you have already experienced a jaw injury and looking for the best treatment solution, feel free to contact our experts at the Shawn B. Davis, DMD Oral & Facial Surgery Institute for the most professional treatment and cure. 

3 Benefits of Dental Implants

If you have the same problem, you might be attempting to decide whether dental implants, dentures, or another option is the best replacement method for you. Dental implants are always our top recommendation when making a decision. Providing a permanent replacement for a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants provide many advantages over a number of your alternative options. For your better understanding, here is a list of the three benefits of dental implants to make your choice a little bit simpler:

Dental Implants Work Like Natural Teeth

The similarity between dental implants and your natural teeth in appearance and function is one of their most well-known advantages. Dental implants are practically impossible to notice when they are placed correctly. Dental implants are permanently affixed to the jaw and do not cause discomfort, in contrast to removable dentures that can be uncomfortable for the wearer.

Dental implants offer the highest stability level when inserted into your jawbone. As a result, you can continue enjoying your favorite foods, speaking normally, and having elevated self-esteem. You would not have to feel nervous using them, as they provide you with the most natural look and feel.

Provides You Reliability

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper maintenance due to their permanent nature. Fortunately, maintaining your implant is easy. Take care of the implant using the same brushing and flossing techniques for your natural teeth.

Removable dentures require extensive care and maintenance to ensure the desired result and reliability. They also might require replacement after a short while due to their temporary nature. This is why dental implants are a reliable and trustworthy option.

Enhance Your Oral Health

Tooth loss might significantly impact the general state of your mouth’s health. When you lose a tooth, your gums start to recede, further enabling the teeth to shift. This weakens your jaw bone, which poses serious problems for the remaining teeth. Dental implants give the jaw stability and stop the neighboring teeth from moving.

Your teeth require proper support and maintenance that dental implants can only provide. As they are fixed permanently in your mouth, your teeth and oral health receive the enhancement and improvement needed to function properly.


Dental implants are sure to provide your teeth and oral health the reliability, functionality, and support it needs. For your teeth, you need a permanent and lasting solution that can provide you with the stability your teeth require.

Suppose you are looking for a lasting and reliable dental clinic that can provide you with the most optimum dental implants. Contact our experts at Shawn B. Davis, Oral & Facial Surgery Institute.

3 Types of Anesthesia Used in Oral Surgery

Surgeries of any nature can be intimidating and overwhelming for most people. Even though patients are under the effects of anesthesia, the fear and anxiety can be quite troubling for them. However, when used by a trained and skilled oral surgeon, anesthesia can help the patient avoid pain to a great extent and relieve their fears.

There are mainly three types of anesthesia used in oral surgeries: local anesthesia, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. You should consult with your healthcare provider and follow certain safety measures and even after-care instructions to have a successful and safe oral surgery.

Let’s have a look at the different types of anesthesia in greater detail in this article.

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is the most common type of anesthesia used in oral surgeries. It is also used for small procedures, such as cavity removal or filling. Local anesthesia is injected directly into the affected area to provide a numbing sensation, so it can be treated successfully without the patient feeling any pain.

The patient, in these cases, is always conscious during the oral surgery and will feel the pressure of the surgical instruments. Occasionally local anesthesia is combined with nitrous oxide, which the patient has to breathe in by wearing a mask over the nose.

With the combination of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide, the patient remains conscious while feeling no discomfort or pain during the surgery. Local anesthesia is widely the safest and most effective for performing minor surgeries.

Local anesthesia has little to no side effects; however, the patient can feel a little numbness in the gums, lips, and cheeks for a few hours before the procedure.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is deeper and stronger anesthesia in a medicinal form that is titrated into a person’s body through an intravenous catheter. This anesthesia type is used for shorter surgeries, but provides effective patient sedation.

The IV sedation effectively sedates and makes the patient unconscious for the surgery, so that the procedure can go smoothly. However, some patients report remembering details and conversations at the beginning and end of procedures, but have little to no memory of the surgical procedure.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia literally puts you to sleep during the procedure. This anesthesia type also uses IV sedation but injects more profound anesthesia into the patient’s body. Patients injected with general anesthesia report having no memory of the actual procedure. 

Such patients will be unconscious during the procedure and unable to drive back home after the surgery, which is why the patient should arrange for someone to do that. General anesthesia is mostly used for intensive or longer surgical procedures such as dental implant placement, wisdom tooth removal, or any other intense oral procedure. 


Three kinds of anesthesia are generally used for oral procedures and surgeries. No such anesthesia type has severe side effects. However, it is still recommended to consult your physician regarding preparation or post-surgery care.

If you are looking for the best option to have your oral surgery without experiencing any major pain and discomfort, feel free to contact our experts at Shawn B. Davis, DMD Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, for the best solution. 

Top 3 Benefits of Dental Implants

Teeth play a significant role in enhancing a person’s self-confidence and personality in general. One would not feel comfortable while laughing or talking with broken or decayed teeth. They are an essential part of a person’s appearance and play a significant role in your dental and overall well-being. 

Suppose you are currently facing dental problems. In that case, you might be having a tough time deciding whether you should go for dentures, dental implants, root canal, or any other procedure. If you don’t know much about it, let us tell you that dental implants are a permanent solution if you lose a tooth. To help you understand it better, here are the top three benefits of having dental implants.

Dental Implants Look Like Natural Teeth

The most significant benefit of dental implants is that they appear and work like regular teeth. The fact that dental implants are fixed in your teeth and are not removable makes them a far better and more reliable option than dentures. 

Dentures are removable and cause pain and discomfort when you remove and wear them repeatedly. Dental implants are properly fixed in your jawbone, providing comfort and reliability.

You can normally talk, eat food, and continue your regular activities without fearing dental implants being displaced and causing discomfort.

Dental Implants Improve Oral Health

Losing one or more teeth can have a significant effect on your overall oral health. When you lose a tooth, your other teeth start shifting as your gums recede. The shifting of the other teeth weakens your jaw bone, causing further issues and problems for your teeth.

Replacing the empty tooth cavity with a fixed dental implant improves your oral health. It provides stability to your jaw and helps your teeth avoid getting decayed or shifting from their place.

Dental Implants are Reliable 

Dental implants are the most reliable option among all other dental solutions. Like other procedures, you do not have to visit your dentist every now and then or get a renewal done after some time for dental implants. 

If taken proper care of, dental implants last a lifetime without needing any renewal or service. You just have to take care of them just like you do for your other teeth by brushing and flossing regularly and properly. These dental implants are reliable and can last a lifetime without having you spend money on them again and again.


It is always better to pay proper attention to your dental health, and if you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, it is best to get them treated sooner rather than later. Dental implants are the best option when it comes to reliability and peace of mind in every aspect. 

If you are considering getting a dental implant, then our expert surgeon Shawn B. Davis, DMD at Oral and Facial Surgery Institute, can do that for you. 

5 Tips on Recovering From Dental Implants

Dental implant surgery is a popular procedure that can fully restore your smile and provide a secure device to eat solid, hard foods. Beloved because of its permanency and easy care routine, dental implants are often put in place with ease and can last up to a lifetime. If you are considering having the surgery done, you may be wondering what the process looks like and how the recovery goes. Here are 5 tips on recovering from dental implants.

  1. Control bleeding.

After dental implants, a small amount of bleeding is normal in the following 24 hours of surgery. Keeping your head elevated, use gauze to gently bite down and reduce bleeding. Pressure can be applied for 30 minutes, but be cautious that you are not biting hard. It should be a gentle application of pressure, and not painful. 

  1. Manage pain.

Dental implant pain management is important for your health and well-being following the procedure. If you have a painkiller approved by the surgeon, take them on the suggested schedule. You can also use cold packs or heating pads, gently pressed against the mouth to alleviate pain. Cold packs can also help ease swelling and bruises.

  1. Maintain oral hygiene.

This step is critical in your healing journey. Maintaining oral hygiene will help prevent infection and will promote efficient, fast healing. Rinse with warm salt water to fight bacterial growth.

  1. Get enough rest.

When your body is healing it needs more rest than an average day. Be sure to not schedule any commitments the day of or immediate days following your dental implant surgery. You should rest as much as you can the day of, and be sure to avoid physical activities for several days until you feel better.

  1. Take prescriptions. 

If you are prescribed antibiotics, a mouthwash, or painkillers, be sure to follow your surgeons instructions precisely. This will ensure your highest chances of having a successful recovery.


If you have any questions about recovering from dental implants, or need to see an oral surgeon, contact Shawn B. Davis at Oral & Facial Surgery Institute, (435) 238-7083 today.