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Postoperative Instructions: Bone Grafting

Pain Management

  • If medically permissible, take ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) and acetaminophen (Tylenol®) for pain management. Start with 600mg of ibuprofen, alternating with 500mg of acetaminophen every three hours, ensuring each medication is taken on its own six-hour schedule.
  • Should you be provided with stronger pain medication, follow the prescribed dosage in addition to ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
  • Maintain a record of medications taken, along with their doses and times, to minimize confusion.
  • Start the first ibuprofen dose as soon as possible after the procedure.


  • Stitches typically dissolve on their own within about a week. If they dislodge before or after this timeframe, it's considered normal. For stitches near the lip area, applying Vaseline® can alleviate irritation.


  • Expect numbness for several hours post-procedure.
  • Exercise caution when consuming foods or hot liquids to avoid reinjuring the treated area.
  • Initially adhere to a soft food or liquid diet before advancing to your regular diet as tolerated.
  • Avoid spicy, crunchy, sharp, or acidic foods and drinks.


  • Swelling may intensify during the initial 48 hours, peaking around day three. It should gradually diminish over the following week.

Oral Hygiene

  • Resume normal oral hygiene practices, including brushing, post-procedure.
  • Begin gentle warm saltwater rinses 24 hours post-procedure, and continue for seven days. If provided with a medicated mouth rinse, use it as directed, every morning and evening for a week, starting 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Refrain from smoking, as it can impede the healing process.


  • If prescribed antibiotics, adhere to the prescribed regimen until completion.


  • Limit strenuous activities immediately following the procedure, gradually increasing as comfort levels permit.