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Why is it Important to Replace Missing Teeth?

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Missing teeth can be harmful to your oral health. After losing a tooth or multiple teeth, your remaining teeth will shift to fill the gap left behind, and your body will absorb bone tissue in the jaw to be used elsewhere. An implant might be necessary to prevent bone loss and misalignment of teeth. The Oral & Facial Surgery Institute team is well-versed in replacing teeth and has multiple procedures available to you.

Prevent Loss of Bone Tissue

After losing a tooth, bone loss can begin just six months following the loss. Over time the bone loss can cause facial sinkage altering your face shape. The sinkage is caused by the chewing force no longer stimulating the jawbone. This results in your body absorbing the tissue in your bone to be used elsewhere, which is called reabsorption. Bone loss and tissue loss can increase the risk of losing other teeth. Implants are artificial teeth, with the implant or ‘screw’ being the new ‘root.’ The new implant will prevent any further bone loss.

If you have experienced bone loss and have been told you are ineligible to receive implants, reach out to our office for a better solution that might fit your situation called Teeth in a Day. Contact Dr. Davis at the Oral and Facial Surgery Institute for a Teeth in a Day consultation! In this procedure, we will completely replace your smile in just one day with four implants to hold your dentures securely in your mouth.

Keep your Bite Even

Your teeth will naturally shift to close the gap a missing tooth leaves. After your teeth have begun to move, your upper and lower arch will meet at an awkward and unnatural position, which can cause discomfort. Being uncomfortable may cause you to favor one side of your mouth when chewing. Favoring one side over another can lead to facial asymmetry, meaning your face shape will begin to change. When your teeth shift, your teeth will become misaligned or crooked. Crooked teeth are increasingly difficult to clean and maintain. Misalignment of teeth can result in cavities or further tooth loss.

Prevent Overgrowth

Gaps in the teeth cause teeth to shift horizontally, but they can also affect their growth. Opposing teeth, directly below or above missing teeth, can grow longer to fill the space between teeth. When no tooth is opposite to an existing tooth, there is no force to communicate to the jaw to maintain its position. Dental implants can be the force to tell the tooth to maintain its position.

Retain Function

The main functions of teeth are to bite, grind food, and help you speak. Missing a tooth can affect how you eat hard or chewy foods. Rather than opting for soft food options because of discomfort, you can expand your diet simply by replacing a missing tooth. Gaps in teeth can change how air flows through the mouth, altering speech and the pronunciation of words. In severe cases, it can cause you to develop a speech impediment.

Improve Visual Smile

Having a friendly smile has been proven to have many social, professional, and emotional benefits. You might be experiencing insecurities surrounding your missing teeth, and replacing missing teeth can improve self-esteem. As mentioned, missing teeth can cause bone loss or favor one side of your mouth when chewing and cause facial asymmetry. Replacing missing teeth can improve your self-esteem, making you more excited to show off your smile!

Schedule a Consultation

Missing teeth can affect not only your oral health but your mental health as well. When missing, your remaining teeth will naturally shift or overgrow to fill the gap. When teeth shift, they can cause misalignment and crooked teeth making you more susceptible to cavities and further tooth loss. Bone deterioration can begin as soon as six months after losing a tooth. Restoring your smile can relieve pain, and you start eating your favorite foods again. If you are experiencing tooth loss or any discomfort surrounding it, it might be time to weigh your options for replacing teeth.

Dr. Davis and his incredible staff are willing to direct your journey to a new smile. Replacing missing teeth can be a simple procedure at the Oral & Facial Surgery Institute with the Teeth in a Day program.