Postoperative Instructions: Dental Implants
- If medically permissible, take ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) and acetaminophen (Tylenol®) for pain management. Start with 600mg of ibuprofen, alternating with 500mg of acetaminophen every three hours, ensuring each medication is taken on its own six-hour schedule.
- Should you be provided with stronger pain medication, follow the prescribed dosage in addition to ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
- Maintain a record of medications taken, along with their doses and times, to minimize confusion.
- Start the first ibuprofen dose as soon as possible after the procedure.
- Avoid swishing, spitting, or using straws for 24 hours post-procedure.
- Apply firm pressure on the gauze over the surgical site. Replace every 45 minutes or as needed. Once the gauze turns pink, it can be removed. Contact our office if bleeding persists or fills your mouth rapidly after several gauze changes.
- Remove gauze when eating or drinking, replacing as necessary if bleeding continues.
- Do not sleep with gauze in your mouth.
Swelling and Bruising
- Swelling typically increases during the first 48 hours and peaks in 48–72 hours before gradually reducing over a week.
- Apply ice to the surgical site for the first 48 hours as needed, using a 20-minute on, 20-minute off cycle. Use a towel or barrier between the skin and ice pack to prevent skin burns.
- Elevate the head with pillows while sleeping for the first two to three days.
- Expect numbness for several hours post-procedure.
- Exercise caution when consuming foods or hot liquids to avoid reinjuring the treated area.
- Initially adhere to a soft food or liquid diet before advancing to your regular diet as tolerated.
- Avoid spicy, crunchy, sharp, or acidic foods and drinks.
Oral Hygiene
- Resume normal oral hygiene practices, including brushing, post-procedure.
- Begin gentle warm saltwater rinses 24 hours post-procedure, and continue for seven days. If provided with a medicated mouth rinse, use it as directed, every morning and evening for a week, starting 24 hours after the procedure.
- Refrain from smoking, as it can impede the healing process.
- Avoid smoking as it limits and delays healing.
- If prescribed antibiotics, adhere to the prescribed regimen until completion.
- Limit strenuous activities immediately following the procedure, gradually increasing as comfort levels permit.
Sinus Precautions
- Limit nose blowing and sneezing as much as possible.
- If you need to sneeze, try to do so with your mouth open. This helps balance the pressure between your mouth and nose, reducing the risk of unintended airflow through the surgical site.