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Pre-Operative Instructions

  • Do not eat or drink anything at least 8 hours before surgery. If your surgery is scheduled for the morning, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.
  • You must have a responsible driver take you home after your surgery. The driver must stay in the office throughout your procedure.
  • Wear short sleeves and clothes that are loose and comfortable.
  • Remove fingernail polish from the first two fingers of both hands.
  • You may not wear contact lenses during your procedure. Please leave them out the day of surgery or bring the contact case with you.
  • You will need to have ice packs on hand when you return home from surgery.
  • Post-surgery instructions will be given to your driver in the recovery room. While in the recovery room, the person accompanying you will be asked to stay with you.
  • Due to HIPPA regulations cell phones are not permitted in the surgical suite at any time during the procedure or recovery.
  • Someone should be able to stay with you 12-24 hours after you return home.
  • If you need to premedicate for your procedure, take the medications with a sip of water as directed. Sip just enough enough water to swallow the pills.

Thank you for assisting us in providing the finest care possible. Please feel free to contact our office at 435-628-1100 if you have any questions about your surgery.

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