Dealing with any type of jaw pain can derail any day. There are many different reasons why you are suffering from sudden jaw pain. We are going to share some of the most reported types of pain in your jaw, and what you should do to alleviate the suffering. In some cases, surgery may be required, but that is usually a last resort.
Different Types of Sudden Jaw Pain
1. Cluster Headaches
– while this might not seem like it could affect your jaw, cluster headaches can cause jaw pain. These headaches affect your eyes and also can migrate down into the jaw region. These are one of the most painful types of headaches, and if you suffer from these, you should consult with your doctor. They can help regulate and monitor medications to ensure that your suffering is minimized.
2. Pain in your teeth
– depending on the type of issues that are going on with your teeth, it can cause jaw pain. If you are suffering from an abscess, this can cause pain to again radiate into your jaw. With any tooth pain, get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible. If you have an abscess, it is imperative that you see your dentist quickly, because this type of infection can cause more significant issues.
3. Sinuses
– when you are having issues with your sinuses, or a severe sinus infection, this can cause pain in your jaw. Because of the nasal cavities and their location, it can allow the pressure to increase on your jaw. A visit to your doctor and medication can alleviate the pressure.
4. Temporomandibular
joint and muscle disorders – commonly known as TMJ, there are many different causes for this type of pain. While there are some different causes for the pain, doctors and dentists can help with the alleviation of your symptoms. Tell your dentist on your next visit about the pain, and any symptoms that you are experiencing. Some of the more reported ones are:
● Grinding of teeth
● Injuries to your jaw
● Stress
● Arthritis in your jaw
5. Heart Attack
– while many are aware of the more common signs of a heart attack, pain in your jaw is one of the warning signs. Heart attacks cause significant pain increases in different types of your body, and the jaw is no exception. If you feel that you are ever suffering from a heart attack, call 911 immediately.
Contact us today, and let us help you keep your smile bright and your jaw pain-free!